Friday, February 4, 2011

Something Accomplished FINALLY!

It's taken me five weeks, yes five, to complete these projects.  I 've been in a creative slump I guess.  Today I finally finished and listed these in my Etsy shop.  You would have thought I was giving birth!  Broken needles, shredded thread, fusible web stuck on everything, cutting mistakes and a few minor injuries has made these projects downright painful!
The best part was getting to Bedazzle stuff!  It really is fun, and easy (I am always grateful for anything that's actually easy!) I'm looking around for more stuff to Bedazzle.  I'm thinking headbands, bags and a denim jacket I saw lying around.  Mmm, maybe I'm starting to get my sewing mojo back.

1 comment:

  1. Steph ... You have always been and still are amazing! :) I miss your sunny smile in my life. Great stuff here!!!! ~Ute
