Like most people we have felt the effects of the economy in our home. Making ends meet is a constant challenge for us. We have cut back or cut out all non essentials. Having said that, I have to tell you that in our house we are
all about food! I live with three guys who can put away a serious amount of groceries. We seldom eat out so that means I am making three meals a day for four people-who can eat A LOT. What's a mom to do? S-T-R-E-T-C-H those grocery dollars by couponing of course! I have always been careful, shopping sales and cutting coupons but today there are so many resources available that it's even easier to get more coupons and, thanks to the hard work of a few very smart women, to get the best possible deals (see my list of favorites to the right.) I save anywhere from $40 to $80 weekly, feeding my family of four for about $110 per week. So here's my routine for saving at the grocery store:
1. Keep a running list. As soon as you think of something you need, write it down. I keep mine in order of the aisles of my favorite store.
2. Plan your meals. I know this seems strange to a lot of people. You don't have to have a rigid schedule of what you're eating when but it helps if you have five or more meals planned out. You can ensure that you have all the ingredients you need and add any you don't to your list.
3. Get the Sunday paper. Those coupon inserts more than pay for the paper.
4. Find your favorite money saving blogs/websites and check them daily. It takes only a few minutes, and if there are really good coupons or offers out there they are often limited and you may miss out on the opportunity to print them if you don't do it right away.
5. TWO is the magic number. If you see a coupon online for an item you always buy or even think you would like to buy, print two. Usually you can use your browser's back button, but sometimes you have to go back to the original page, choose which coupons you want again and print a second time. Most manufacturers will only allow two prints. You will be thrilled when these items go on sale or, my particular favorite, BOGO (buy one get one free) and you have that extra coupon to double your savings.
6. Look everywhere for coupons! Up and down the aisles of the grocery store, store displays, the customer service counter and those little blinkie things. Remember TWO is the magic number (not twenty!). Even if you're not buying those items right then, chances are they will go on sale and you will be ready! I have even trained my crew to search them out, my youngest having spotted a $2 peelie on the air filter I was buying... I was delighted!
7. Know your stores policy on coupons. Ask your store manager if you have any doubts about a coupon
before you get to the checkout. My Publix allows one store/competitor coupon and one manufacturer coupon per item. This is called
stacking. The store gets reimbursed for manufacturer coupons but not for store/competitor coupons. My particular store will accept all grocery store coupons, Target, Whole Foods, Family Dollar and Dollar General coupons. Stacking these is how I save the most money. Be sure the item you buy is the exact same item as on the competitor coupon.
8. Buddy up. Find a friend who you can trade coupons with. A large family will have different grocery needs than a couple. I often ask my mom and sister for coupons they're not going to use, and I often save my coupons for them.
9. Inventory and know your "buy" price. Do a sweep inventory once a week adding to your list as needed. Knowing what you have saves you time and money in the store (so you don't end up with four bottles of A-1 sauce and no ketchup for a week!) My "buy" price is $1 or less. If I don't really need something right now but can get it for my "buy" price, then I go ahead and get it. This can be a sale or coupon item, but only non perishables that I know for sure we will use. Which brings us to the final...
10. Stockpile. When you have the opportunity to get things either super cheap or free, buy as many as you can. Teabags, mayonnaise, mustard and pasta/rice are a few of the items I have stockpiled. If you have ever had to pay nearly $5 for mayo, you can understand why this works.
If you are new to couponing I hope this helps! If you are a veteran, I hope you will share some of your wisdom. Maybe together we can come up with more ways to eat and live well for less!